Originally posted (8/1/2017): https://www.mystichermitwitch.today/2017/08/full-moon-in-aquarius-work-hard-play.html
It's time to let loose and let your freak flag fly! The Full Moon in Aquarius is loud and in your face. The energies of the past year have been heavy and serious. You have had to do so much work facing your shadow, coming to terms with your limitations, taking responsibility for your future.
That shit is hard work. It's time for a break.

There is a lunar eclipse during this Full Moon which makes it the most opportune time to wrap up the work we've been doing since last February 2017 (the last New Moon in Aquarius) and start putting those lessons into practice. Since we've been using the energy of the ongoing Saturn/Uranus trine, our plans are already fully formed. We know what we need to do. With a Full Moon in Aquarius, we aren't afraid to claim your place in the Sun.
Jupiter and Pluto are squaring off again, this time with Venus in the mix. We feel big. We feel powerful. We feel strong. We feel happy. We know what we're capable of. The Sun and Mars joined together in Leo are contributing to the heady feeling that nothing can stop us. We feel victorious over the darkness that had threatened us not so long ago and that fuels our impulse to celebrate. This over-the-top aggressively optimistic and gregarious energy could easily get out of control and cause us to overstep our boundaries in relationships, causing us to destroy what everything we have tried so hard to build.
We're ebulliently happy with a happiness that has a hard edge to it. However, Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are maintaining a good rapport with serious Saturn. We don't have to forget our responsibilities or throw caution to the wind. Saturn is there to remind us that while we're having fun, we should always be careful. He's also reminding us that he's about to end his retrograde phase and our homework better be done.
It's lit ouchea in dese astrological streets! Go ahead. Let off some steam. Get high off life. Goddess knows we need it. Don't forget our actions have consequences though.