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  • Writer's pictureTheeda

New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: The Wall

The wisdom of Assata Shakur encapsulates the energy of this New Moon.

And, if i know any thing at all,  

it's that a wall is just a wall  

and nothing more at all.  

It can be broken down.  

I believe in living.  

I believe in birth.  

I believe in the sweat of love  

and in the fire of truth.  

And i believe that a lost ship,  

steered by tired, seasick sailors,  

can still be guided home to port.

(from "Affirmations" in "Assata: An Autobiography")

We have reached the end of a year which has tried us and found us wanting in so many ways. Our collective weaknesses and faults have been on display. We have had our most cherished fantasies ripped away and the gruesome truth of who we are cannot be denied.

Knowing all of this about ourselves, how do we move forward? Are there things in our past we should keep or should we completely wipe the slate clean? Do we just give up?

Standing in the midst of the carnage, we realize we can't stay here. But there's really no where else to go. Yet we have to. The obstacles before us seem like insurmountable walls. Walls of our own making. We made them. Therefore we can take them down.

This eclipse gives us the motivation to get up and start tearing the walls down. Cleaning up the mess we made. Finding a way to go on and live. We don't have to know what the end will be. We just have to get up and get moving.

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