"Tahlequah is using much of her energy to cling to the dead calf, which weighs about 300 pounds, and she is unable to forage for food, scientists said during a news briefing on Thursday. They said that her closely knit pod was supporting her. Other female orcas, especially her sister, have been observed to be consistently at her side."
I wrote about Tahlequah in 2018. At that time (during a Leo/Aquarius eclipse season), Tahlequah, supported by her pod sisters, publicly mourned the death of their future. They were losing a war they hadn't started, suffering the consequences of the actions of humans, whom they are unable to control. They know The Voyeurs are always watching. Therefore, once again, she is protesting.
I pray along with her and her sisters that we will stop being hardened toward the suffering of others. That we will recognize that we aren't so different from her. That we will really learn what it means to value life and preserve it in all its forms.